Monday, January 18, 2010

Ding Ding! Dinner Time!

Ding Ding! Dinner Time!

6 cu in tofu
1/2 red bell pepper
3 tbsp duck sauce
1 cup white rice
1 clove garlic

The red bell pepper, native to the Americas, is so named for the rich, bell-like sound produced when struck by a spoon or similar instrument. This dish is composed to foreground and complement its similarly rich and bell-like flavor. Cut the pepper half into reasonably-sized bits & pieces. Do likewise for the tofu. Chop the garlic into the smallest pieces you can without endangering yourself or others. Cook the rice with an equal (1 cup) amount of water in a cooker suited for such a task. Toss the garlic, tofu, and peppers into a frying pan that you have lubricated with some vegetable or olive (it bears mentioning that the olive is not a vegetable, so this is no redundancy of terms) oil. Sauté these things until they appear delicious. Pile them atop the rice, add the duck sauce, stir gently, and enjoy. Historical fact: centuries before the invention of carillons, monks would ring arrangements of differently-sized bell peppers, the sound of which would echo far and wide throughout the countryside.

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