Saturday, September 12, 2009

Huevos Del Diablo (with thanks to Shirah Anderson)

Huevos Del Diablo (with thanks to Shirah Anderson)

6 eggs
1 ½ tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tsp. paprika

Hard boil six eggs. Hard boil more if you wish, however, be aware that you will have to multiply the quantities of the other ingredients accordingly, as well as put yourself at risk for future heart disease. Once your eggs are hard boiled, cradle them softly in one hand and gently peel off their shells with the other. Slice them in half the long way. Spoon out their yolks, place the yolks in a bowl, and mix them vigorously with the mayonnaise. Put this mixture into a plastic bag, cut a smallish corner off of this bag, and use it to squeeze even quantities of the mixture into the egg white convexities. Sprinkle with paprika and chill in the fridge. Close your eyes and savor the flavor as the Huevos Del Diablo slide cold and quivering down your throat.

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